Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I Need a Coach


Let me just start out with a disclaimer: I hate the smell of a wet corn or bean field. I blame it on the summers spent walking beans and de-tasseling corn here in the blessed Mid-West.  And for anyone who has no idea what I’m talking about can be thankful they never had to walk for endless miles being cut by corn leaves or wear blisters on your hand under the blazing hot sun while literally weeding acres of bean field row by agonizing row.


So what possess me to run out in the country during the summer time where the smells are limited to the above mentioned intermingled with cow, horse, and or pig poo?  I don’t know…


Sorry Ali, I’ll try to be a better Aunt.


But today I ran outside my house (which is mostly back roads country).  I encountered actual horse manure on the road for the first 2 miles and had to hot step it a few times to miss getting a shoe full.  I eventually found the offenders of said poo, but decided against pressing charges when the Vigo County Sherriff drove by at mile 3.5.  I settled for giving their big bowling ball eyes the stare down.  They know how I feel…



Horse eye

Stop looking at me! It makes me nervous.


The first 3 miles were actually pretty good.  I didn’t push hard and settled into a 10:30ish pace depending on if it was up hill or not but around mile 4 the heat all of a sudden turned up and I was dragging.  I got to 5 and walked the mile left back home. 




It hit me though, I hadn’t been running outside a lot and I had almost a week off from running last week so I really wasn’t prepared.  I did take water with me but it was warm by mile 2.5 and I hate that!  I’m a princess, I know. 



I’m really more of a figurehead.


I rocked the Pink Radio on Pandora. (Note for my Mom: Pink is an alternative punk rock girl who’s awesome and this station plays songs from her and other artist like her) I need certain music on certain runs and I don’t always know what kind until I get going, but this selection never fails me.


Pink Reveals Her Baby's Name!

I never looked good or fashionable during a pregnancy.  I also can’t rock that short do without looking like a man, though I would love to try.


I have learned that I really need to get a training schedule and stick with it.  After I finished training for the Indy Mini last May I just kind of try to run willy nilly and random amounts.  It would be better for me to hire a coach who will drag my butt around and tell me how far and what kind of run to do.  But since I haven’t won the lottery or obtained an inheritance from my long lost Aunt Bertha I will just have to settle with making myself do it.



Aunt Bertha looks a lot like my mom with a wonky eye.

I am going to do a little investigation of training plan tonight if I can get the kidos to bed at a decent hour but that plan can go south quickly. I work the next two days, this means me trying to run at the fitness center after working 12.5 hours on my feet.  That could end poorly.


Leroy you never believe what I say.

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