Sunday, August 19, 2012

Granny Panties


So it turns out that if you take a few months off and do absolutely nothing in the way of physical fitness and then try to jump back in to said physical fitness like nothing changed, you will be sorely disappointed.  I climbed back on the old scale yesterday and about had a heart attack after falling to the floor in disbelief.  After a short time of cry and rocking myself in the corner whilst sucking my thumb I pulled myself up and put my big girl panties on (literally).  I’m pretty much starting from scratch.  After all that training I did for the Mini I back at physical fitness ground zero.


lifes great mysteries volume 19


So I’m starting with walking.  I’m still too scared to run anyway with my foot pain coming and going.  No matter what, it is 100 times better than in May when I would have taken an amputation to fix the problem.  Besides I have a great partner who has yet to make fun of me and my fat backside.


Me too buddy, me too…


After making circles around my house for 30 minutes I got a lesson in how to race trikes. 



Don’t worry, no one was hurt during the bike gang extravaganza though I may or may not have tried to show my kids how burn out on the hot wheel.

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