Tuesday, May 27, 2014

When Life Throws you a Curveball

Sometimes, life just gets in the way and there is nothing you can do about it.  You do your best to claw and scratch your way out of the hole you find yourself in and all you can do is cling to the edge and hang there until you find the strength to pull yourself out.  So you put off doing those things that don’t seem to matter as much any more… like writing.  But now I find myself with thoughts in my brain and no where to write them down.  So what better time to pick back up with the blog and let the endless word association game commence.  And maybe this time life won’t seem so heavy.
I had a dream last night.  It was one of those dreams that I hate.  I spent the entire dream attempting to get to the start/finish line of a race.  Now, I have no clue what type of race it was other than a “running” race; 5K, 12K, or a marathon.  I have no clue.  But I spent the entire dream trying to find shoes and socks while waiting in a line for the the port a pot that was never ending and listening to the start gun explode all the while trying to get my crap together.  It was maddening, I tell you.

My type A personality just couldn’t handle it.  And I never did get the race started.
I have been running, more on than off and it feels good.  I’m trying to make less excuses for why not and trying to just “do”.  Here’s to hoping that I can maintain that thought process.

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