Monday, May 28, 2012

23 days and counting


I have just now crawled out of my cave of depression for a brief glimpse of sunlight before slipping back under cover of darkness.  My feet hurt… I can’t say any more than that.  And this whole mess just makes me more depressed the more I think about it.  It has been 23 days since I have run, and a whole lot more days since running felt good or wasn’t followed by extreme pain. 

In my depression I have spent a lot of time with good ole Dr. Google where I came across a website called athletes treating athletes.  It is basically a site where athletes can converge and share their different experiences and what has and hasn’t worked for them.  It also contains some very excellent information from athletic trainers that show you how to stretch, roll, and tape various body parts.  This part has been the great and wonderful bit.  I have always read that I should be icing and rolling my feet as well as using tennis balls for massage but what they never pin point is how you do it.  I’m a very visual person and this website has videos and diagrams of how to actually do this mysterious rolling and massage.  Hall-a-freaking-luja!!! 

I have done a few nights of said rolling with a can of frozen cranberries and some tennis ball massage.  Now I am by no means cured but I can tell a difference even if it is a small one.  So I plan on continuing to roll and ice and massage until I can walk without pain.  It is better than my other idea of just cutting my feet off.

Maybe one of these days I will be able to actually run again.  Never though I would say this, but I really miss it.

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