Friday, December 2, 2011

Chicken Legs


Three miles completed on the treadmill.  Not a bad run.  I’m just super excited that I didn’t crap my pants today.  Bonus for me!!!  I also managed to not make a fool of myself while lifting some weights with my legs, though I may have gotten some strange looks from the serious weight lifters.  You know the ones, huge upper body and teeny tiny skinny legs that look like they might snap right off at the ankle at any moment.

Kind of like this….

I try to avoid these people at the gym at all costs. Mainly because they make me feel so self conscious about my lack of weight training.  That, and I avoid all unnecessary contact with any and all people in public due to by borderline agoraphobia.  If I could figure out how to work from home and leave only minimally to buy things like food, I would do it!  I wonder how I could be a nurse from home?


Are you outgoing or would you be a hermit? I choose hermit.

1 comment:

  1. That picture is classic!! I have seen quite a bit of those dudes walking around. So funny!
