Sunday, July 29, 2012

You really should be watching the Olympics, RIGHT NOW!!!


Let me just start by saying, I love the Olympics!!!  If I could hole up in my house for the next two weeks, avoid all human contact,and have at least 5 screens displaying nothing but every available Olympic event, I would.  It might be pretty and I might really stink by the end of it but it would totally be worth it.  But since I actually have children and a husband to care for I will just have to settle for prime time coverage of old events.


And what about this crazy little freak of nature.  New world record.  But I lifted like 5 more pounds than this yesterday…


She could totally kick my butt and then lift me over her head and throw me.  Seriously,336lbs!!! I have trouble heaving my backside onto the kitchen counter…

BTW, I am getting a treadmill.  Watch out garage, we are going to be spending a lot of time together in the near future.  Get used to my stink and love it.

I gotta go, time for swimming!!!!!!!!!!

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