Saturday, January 7, 2012

Dear Mucus,


You are no longer welcome in my respiratory system.  You will be asked to evacuate the premises with in 24 hours or face certain destruction by means of fire bomb or guillotine.  It’s your choice but know this, I will make you my submissive.




Well now that I have that out of the way maybe I’ll be able to have normal respirations in the near future.  I am so sick of waking up in the morning and hacking, coughing and expelling crap from my nose and throat.  And just when you think that you’ve got it all it starts again.  It’s like a small leprechaun has set up residence in my lungs and is mixing cement down there.

                   PS don’t google the word mucus!


So this week getting back in the running game has been slow going but I’m getting there.  I did 1.5 miles on the treadmill and then did some more elliptical work.  I know, I know,  don’t do too much Jess, you’ll over work your self.  Don’t worry, I know how to take it easy.  Don’t want to over work this delicate body.


By the way,  I’m slightly dreading the next 36 days.  It’s the slow death march before the dreaded 3-0.  At which time I’m officially considered old and you can only refer to me as ma’am, at which time I will be drinking geritol and worrying about my bowel movements on a daily basis.  At least I can rejoice in the fact that my sister is always older than me.


How old is OLD?

1 comment:

  1. Haha...Being in your 30's really isn't that bad. You'll enjoy it. Meanwhile, I'll send you a postcard from the '40's.
