Monday, February 27, 2012

If I could catch my breath


There are many lessons that I have learned over the last year and a half, about running.  One of which is, the day following the best run will be the worst run ever!  I don’t even want to talk about last weeks running.  It was horrible, and disappointing and depression.  I’ll just shut the box on those runs.  Yesterday I ran 3.5 miles and it was splendid.  It was like the stars aligned and angels descended and carried me through a  delicious run that probably could have lasted longer but I had things to do and had to get moving to other places.  Cut to today, my left heel HURTS and the entire 3 miles was spent catching my breath.  I didn’t run any faster today than yesterday.  So what the heck is going on?

diet and exercise

Wouldn’t it be nice to be “naturally” thin, and not have to work so darn hard!!!


Maybe it’s the poor diet that I generally follow while running.  The more I run the more hungry I am and then end up eating crap.  I can do great for the first 2/3 of the day and eat fairly healthy, but night time hits and I want to eat everything in sight.  It’s like a monster takes over my brain and makes me eat a massive amount of chips and salsa or peanut butter.

Maybe the peanut butter is clogging my arteries and lungs and causing me to be sluggish.  Isn’t there a pill that I can take to turn my brain into a sane person.  A Zoloft or a Wellbutrin perhaps.

vivantoril fixes it

If sleep can fix everything then I’m really behind. 


Any suggestions???

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