Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hot Boiled Garbage


Today was quite possibly the most amazing day of 2012 thus far.  Every morning when I wake up I immediately check Weather Bug, which is so much easier than possibly looking out the window or opening the door.  This allows me to be able to dress my girls accordingly. You can’t wear a tutu in December, that is unless it’s cause your crazy.


She pulls off tutu nicely.

So much to my surprise when Weather Bug showed 550!!!  I had a little trouble believing that, so did in fact open a door to check.  Sore one for February!!!  At one point today my care said it was 670 outside.  If it wasn’t so gash darn windy here I might be able to run outside.  But since it’s the kind of windy that makes road signs look like pieces of paper I chose the gym, AGAIN!!!!  3 agonizingly slow miles later I was done.  I am supposed to do 6 as my next long run, possibly Saturday, I dread it at present.  I can’t wait until I get to the place where running isn’t such a chore.  I miss last summer…


I can handle more days like this.


Over the last few years I have had some borderline blood pressure issue.  Most of the time I have been in denial about this problem seeing as if you don’t admit it, it’s not a problem.  Turns out that’s not true… So anywho, I’ve decided to put myself on a low sodium diet.  I managed to follow a pretty strict low sodium diet on Tuesday at work, and let me tell you it SUCKED BIG TIME.  I did it, it was awful but I felt so good at the end of the day I almost couldn’t believe it.  Sticking to low salt foods naturally leads to eating more healthy foods.  Then today happened.


High blood pressure causes facial hair growth.


Kristal is the sexy on on the left.  My camera on my phone stinks!!!


My friend Kristal turned 10 today, ok so she’s really 40 but it’s only her 10th birthday seeing that whole Leap Year shenanagins. Try eating at a pub and keeping it to low sodium foods. 


The Shenanigans instigators…

So today might have been a fail on the low salt diet but it was an awesome time had by all.  I went strait from the gym to the pub so I pretty much looked like hot boiled garbage but who cares when fried pickles are involved!!!  So tomorrow is back to low sodium for at least the next 4 weeks and perhaps my blood pressure will be more normal.

i need to lay off the white bread though



No matter what, it can’t hurt!!!

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