Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Whatever Wind Advisory, You Stink!!!!


This morning as I checked “Weather Bug”, like I do every morning, I was pleasantly surprised by the 46 degree temperature at 7am.  And somewhere in the back of my mind was a stirring, like someone blowing the dust off an old book.  Somehow I made up my mind to forgo to gym today and brave the outside world.  It seemed mild, and the temperature sure felt nice.  So how did I miss the WIND ADVISORY????  My phone led me to believe that 13 mile per hour winds wouldn’t be all that bad.  But it was the gust of up to 33 mph that did me in.  But I got through, all 4 miles of it.  I was hoping to have a good negative split today.  Technically I did, but only by 30 seconds or so, seeing that I had to run the 2 last miles into the 33 mph wind.


Where we live in IN in very sandy and the wind has blown sand drifts on the side of the road.  Can they call school for that???


Wind that took my breath away!  And I am ashamed to admit that I had to used the “farmer blow” a couple of times seeing as sniffing was entirely too difficult.  Cars were great about making room on the road this morning, or they just felt bad about me being blown off the road so they just tried to avoid hitting the human sail.  Even with the crushing wind I still enjoyed it more than being in treadmill purgatory.  At least there was landscape to view.


Come visit if you want to see miles and miles of brown. 


The cows didn’t know I was running today or else they might have come down from the barn to cheer me on like last summer.


And I’m back on track with my training schedule.  I did squeak out 3 miles yesterday on the treadmill at the gym where I believe I saw a man exercising in swim trunks.  But that’s a story for another day.  This next picture is very random but makes me laugh as it makes me think about my workplace fridge.

Eat your own lunch fool!!!

Last week I began a “diet” to lower my blood pressure.  To be honest it’s not really a diet but an assessment of what I eat and attempting to eat properly and not put crap into my body.  I am using an app on my phone called “Fat Secret” that is awesome.  The name sucks, like fat has a secret, it’s fat there is no mystery there.  But it is useful.  You can scan the barcode of food for the nutritional information or just manually search for food.



This app has set my avatar picture set as a hotdog.  Really?!?!?!?  A hotdog?  as if fat people don’t have enough difficulty about self image already…


It really has me aware of the nutritional content of food.  The original intent was to restrict my Sodium intake to the recommended daily allowance but not focus on the calorie content as much.  I also have cut back on my caffeine intake.  (Little to no coffee is going to slowly kill me.)  Turns out that a lower Sodium diet has led to a low calorie diet… who knew?  In one week I have lost 7lbs and slightly lowered the blood pressure.  And not only that I feel better than I thought.  I am hungry at times, but I’m used to eating lots of crap and not caring, it takes getting used to.  In 3 more weeks I will evaluate the whole process and decide if my blood pressure has come down enough to avoid the doctor or if I will still have to call her, but overall I feel good that I am moving in the right direction.


Here’s to hoping that I succeed!!

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the diet change and the 7lbs! Hopefully it will make a difference in the BP.
