Friday, November 18, 2011

The rut is over


Who wants to run in 32 degree weather with 20 mph winds?  Not this girl!  So I believe I’ll be sentencing myself to treadmill jail.  Looks like I’m getting a 4 months.  I might get out for good behavior in early March but seeing as I’m a weenie it’s looking like a no go.  Oh, well.

It’s my mug shot, I could use some make up and a straight iron huh?

Todays punishment involved a 5 mile run in around 52 or so minutes.  I really like to have a certain treadmill that is near the one and only fan in the whole gym.  And said treadmill was occupied by a turtle  slow moving man.  So I begrudgingly started using another machine.  1/2 a mile later he finished his, what ever it was and I scooted on over to MY machine.  What a difference a breeze makes!!!  I might be falling in love with running again.  Could the rut be over?

Just a light breeze…

After my run I hurried home to pack and get the kids and husband loaded to drive 2.5 hours to Minier, IL for our Thanksgiving.  Yes, I know its early but that’s how we roll, deal.  Pretty soon I’ll be cooking up a storm and then eating until I actually bust.  Come on over, it should be fun.  Then we will all take a holiday nap together.  Please don’t snore.


Little girl #2 thinks concealer would make a good side dish.

If all goes well, I might get to run with the sister that I never wanted but have anyway.  But then again, it’s pretty cold for a delicate flower such as myself.

1 comment:

  1. Still waiting on the cooking to begin! When you gonna do that? I'm hungry!
