Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Complainers Club



My super skinny, sometimes running partner and fulltime sister Jen and my “Little Brother” Jimmy.

Middle children always get the shaft and feel left out and want some attention.  This could be some hidden reason that I started this blog in the first place.  And in an effort to be “loved” by my family I am bowing to their demands for better pictures of THEM.  Jerks!!!


She is already plotting what she is gonna do to me after this photo.

I remember being entirely tormented by the two above mentioned heathens siblings for most of my childhood.  I blame them for any psychological scars that I have carried into my adulthood and I send them my therapy bills monthly.



How bout I throw you tough guy?

This hunk of meat never really gets into running with us.  Though I do remember a time around 10 years ago when we tried to get him to run with us and he petered out after a mile.  I take this as a victory and like to remind him of it at times.



A race she did without me. How rude!


My sister has been an off and on running partner through out the years.  But she lives 2.5 hours away from me in the flat cornfields of Central Illinois.  And please pronounce it as a singular state.  There are not two Illinois.  There is only one.  Please refer to it as such.


When we get together I go and drag her out with me kicking and screaming the whole time and try to pay her back for those awful childhood years.  In fact, I forced her to do a 10K last month with me and we decided that we should have a club called the “I complained the whole time but did it anyway” Club.  It’s a very selective membership, you probably wouldn’t complain enough to get in.

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