Saturday, September 24, 2011

I Just Want Some Pancakes…


I woke up this morning to a little girl in my face asking for pancakes.  She gets me.  So I rolled out of bed for some fried cake deliciousness.  Exactly two seconds after walking into the kitchen the power went out.  OUT!!!! Crushing all my dreams with it. Craptastic…


Little girl #1 and I made “lunch”, doesn’t that look appetizing?

I called Duke Energy to find out that the estimated time of power restoration was 2 o’clock.  Really? I can’t wait all day for fried cake covered in syrup.  Don’t they know this?  And how can I rest my injuries and be lazy with no entertainment? 



But you can all quit worrying because obviously have my internet back now.  And I can cook real food again.  So I’m not in danger anymore, thanks for your concern.  But I still haven’t had any pancakes…

1 comment:

  1. If it's any consolation, I went out for pancakes this morning. I can describe to you in great detail what they tasted like.
