I have this little problem, ok so I have a lot of problems but I digress. The most prominent problem lately is my skin. It’s on fire. For the last three weeks I have had a contact dermatitis that itches SOOOOOOOO bad and as I have previously stated I avoid the doctor at most costs. (Mainly cause I really don’t want to see doctors on my days off.)
So the itching got bad enough last night that I woke up and took a Benadryl. Drugs are wonderful. The first itch free night in weeks. The only problem was a feeling of my head traveling in a fog separate from my body for most of the morning.
After climbing out of that fog I made it to the gym (rain delay). I spent most of the time on the treadmill lying to myself just to get through. I must be a good liar, cause I convinced my self to go 3.5 miles. It took about 36 min and then I walked another 10. I spent a little time lifting with my arms to prevent that old lady flag arm flab that could eventually creep up on me.
Wouldn’t you like to know what’s in here…
It’s actually water, don’t get your panties in a bunch.
And this is my snack tonight.
PB and Honey
Best snack ever! Put it on some crackers or bread and you’ve got yourself a night of heaven.
I still haven’t had pancakes…
LOVE Someecards!!